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Through guided meditations we deepen our contact with the Earth and all her allies. We travel in different subtle layers of the Earth, serving Gaia and her evolutionary process.


Mother Earth, Gaia, is a sentient being and knows us personally. We can communicate with her and let her Love touch us. After all, we are constantly living in her impressive magnetic field. We are part of it.  


Gaia also wants us to experience her beauty and power to the fullest. It reminds us of our own purity and strength. 


A lot of nature beings or elementals,  like elves, gnomes, nymphs, devas and tree creatures want to connect and cooperate with us humans. Communication with these beings can bring a lot of benefits, for yourself, your garden, your environment, ... After all, isn't it all about conscious cooperation, co-creation, attuned to the different dimensions of life? Deep in our cellular memory we carry that memory with us. Perhaps you yourself are an elf or some other creature from that other world. We can reconnect and open ourselves in respect and love to this wonderful world, and receive so much. As it has always been intended. 


There are currently no group sessions.  


Contact me if you are interested



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